A proven freelance writer and consultant
you can count on to deliver the results you want
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Why Hire Me?

1) Proven Experience

I started as a copywriter over 25 years ago at Y&R Special Markets, the divison of Young and Rubicam that handled b2b and direct marketing - writing for Maersk, United Technologies, and Frequent Flyer magazine.

Since then I've worked with many major agencies and clients, as a copywriter, associate creative director, creative director and marketing director, including Young & Rubicam (main division); BBDO; and DDB/Needham. I've also worked with clients such as IBM; Citibank, Autodesk, Ameriprise, thestreet.com, and well as many small and medium size companies (see About).

My writing has has achieved proven results see samples/case studies section. Two examples: see the China letter sample - where my sales letter beat the control by 444%; and the IBM case study where the lead generation campaign I worked on exceeded previous efforts by 400%

In addition, I have received numerous major advertising and marketing awards, including 3 Clios, 2 Beldings and a Nation's Business Best Advertising award.

2) Strategic savvy
Working with so many clients over the years, I've gained a great deal of marketing and strategic savvy. In fact, at agencies where I worked as a creative executive, I was often called on to write the strategic platform before overseeing the creative effort.

Here is what a CEO of a successful startup says about my marketing advice (as well as my copywriting).

3) Marketing Versatility
I've worked on projects in just about every marketing venue: Print ads, direct mail, email, web marketing, case studies, white papers, annual reports, video, radio and TV. I know what each requires to make it effective and bring the returns you want.

Today, campaigns are so interconnected and multidimensional it's better and more efficient to have someone who knows the different marketing venues as well as the marketing funnel or process that ties it all together.

4) Marketing Services
In the past 13 years as I have worked on many projects I've been called on to provide additional services. For instance in the IBM project I mentioned, I brought in a designer as a key part of the team.

The need to provide additional resources and services as increased as Internet marketing has grown. So over time I have built an excellent virtual team of designers, coders, bloggers, backlinkers, etc.

I direct and oversee this team when they are needed. These efforts have led to outstanding performance in SEO, pay per click, direct mail and ads. This team would be the envy of many ad agencies who must depend on on-site staff.

The result: you have resources you can depend on on to power up your lead generation efforts and give your sales force better ammunition to close more sales.

See marketing services

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For Marketing Execs and Copywriter

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Get My IBM Lead Generation Case Study

IBM Lead Generation Case Study
Free Sneak Peek
"Using Linkedin & Slide Shows For Leads"
Short Video Segment of my
Linkedin course which

sells for $297
My interview on AWAI's Monthly Copywriting Genius

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